Filipino Bloggers Worldwide 1st Grand Eyeball

Organization has been part of every individuals. Bloggers indulge on different organization in the Philippines. I featured here in my blog some of the organizaton I am a member.

Filipino Bloggers Worldwide was introduced by Ms. Tess Chancellor, added or asked me to join the group last year. I am just a newbie that time and a lot of organization popped up on my FB. Without any hesitation I joined the group.

And now after a year, FBW called an eyeball for all their members to have a short talk and to know who are the blogger members of the group.   Aside on knowing other members of the group, there lots of activity happened that night.  First was a little bit intro about the group and who are the admins which consists of almost 17 admins.  Next is the Human Bingo, there was a sheet of paper and an info about the blogger.  Bloggers should find whose blogger are describing on the human bingo and the one who completed would win.

Another thing that will spice up the atmosphere of the get together was the raffling of some stuff, well all bloggers got their raffle prizes not just once, twice but thrice. Well FBW group was good enough to be generous on that night. Love it!

Photo courtesy of Sumi Go
Next was the awarding, I didn't remembered some awards called by the emcees but what I just remembered was my award.  Take note it is not just an ordinary award for me, it is like a once in a blue moon thing.  I think it was my 2nd time to received that award in an event and guess what???  Well, I am just the Early Bird in that specific event.  I just arrived I think one (1) hour before the event started. It was very unusual to me, because sometimes I arrived at the event late, so it will be a lesson on my part, I just need to prove that I deserve that Early Bird. Hahaha!

We ended with a smile in our face, because we met some new faces of bloggers now in the Philippines particularly here in the metro manila.

Thank you for all the sponsors who made this event and to all the admins, keep it up and more power.