Mr. Bigglesworth Has Arrived With Loads of Goodies

Friends, this past Thursday, I took the Megabus to my parents' house.  I took a few days off work to help move my grandmother's things out of her two bedroom apartment and into my parent's basement.  Grandma is moving into a nursing home, and Mom and Dad were feeling a bit overwhelmed with all of Grandma's things in the house.  

When I left on Sunday, the house was considerably cleaner and there was a huge stack of polyester pants that were destined for Goodwill.  SO MANY SHADES OF TEAL, Y'ALL. I didn't take any for jackets, but I did take plenty of other items instead...

because Grandma is a crafter.  

So there is fabric, both patterned and plain...

big pieces and small,

cotton and knits...

floral and polka dotted...

stripes and paisley...

and some AMAZING sets of vintage sheets!  I will definitely be following Cindy's tips for working with vintage sheets before I attach these to any projects.

Some large real fur collars were mixed into all the piles.  For my thoughts on fur, I think this sums it up well.

There were also some detachable pieces from coats in the 1960s. I would love to add these to a vintage coat pattern, or even a 50's pearl button cardigan.

What would stash busting be without a box full of bias trim?

There were some especially lovely pieces.  The blue and silver was on an outfit worn by Mama Grand when she was little, so I'll definitely be making something for her with it.

This silver piece is shaped like an anchor, and I thought it was a belt buckle at first, but now I am not so sure...

BIAS TAPE MAKERS!  I am PSYCHED to finally have one in my possession!

There is also a sewing machine foot that makes bias tape ... but I don't have a machine to match it.  Yet.

Crochet hooks and knitting needles!  It's about to get all crazy up in here, as the Robert has bought me knitting classes for my birthday.  Whoopee!

A Braid It Yourself Kit.  I have never seen one of these and am very rug-making in my future?

Epic. Pearl. Snaps.

A little bird in a little basket.  I want to put it on a hat.  Dibs has convinced me that making hats and fascinators is 100% necessary and awesome.

A Perfect Waist Maker aka pre-cut waistband interfacing.

Sewing tape to assist with sewing straight lines and some awesome "suede look" fabric patches.

SCISSORS.  Lots of Ginghers.  Heaven, people, I'm in heaven.

The prettiest of the bunch.

Of all the items, these scissors are most dear to me. They are not sewing scissors, but rather, the clippers my grandfather used in his barber shop.  He passed away in 1973, so I've never met him, but this is like holding a piece of my history.  I plan on hanging these up over my machine.

Hooks, seam rippers, x-acto knives and a magnifying stick.

And finally, Mr. Bigglesworth.

ISN'T HE PRETTY?!?!?!  Now I just have to learn how to use him.  Soon, my precious, very soon.

I haven't listed everything that was in the car this trip.  I've left out a nearly completed quilt and quilting supplies, 50 spools of thread, several yards of elastic, and hand sewing and machine needles.  Believe it or not, this wasn't everything.

Still to be brought back to Chicago?  A Husqvarna Viking machine (for which I am paying Grandma) and an embroidery sewing machine.

The word EPIC really doesn't begin to cover all of the sewing materials that will be coming into my possession.  Many thanks to my Grandma for all of the free goods and machines she has given me, and also for the epic discount on the Husqvarna - it will be well loved.

Friends, be on the lookout for giveaways!  There is no way that I can make storage for all of these goodies, so I think you may need some where you are :)  

Friends, have you ever inherited sewing goods from a relative?  Let me know in the comments!

PS: THANK YOU for all of the lovely birthday wishes!!  It was a most fabulous day, filled with delicious cake and wine and company :) I appreciated your kind thoughts so very much!