Mama Grand's Day

My loving and fabulous Mother
so very special, so unlike any other
not because your heart is so big, or your manners so fine,
because, out of all the mothers in this world, you are mine.

When I wanted to be snuggled, when I had a headache,
when I ate all the Christmas cookies you would bake,
when I had to be at tap class, or drama, or the orthodontist,
every time I made the Dean's List...

When we went across the seas,
when I learned the importance of "thank you" and "please,"
when I wanted to practice the Nutcracker jump 1,000 times,
every time we have a margarita with a big juicy lime...

When we had our adventures, when we got lost in Epcot's parking lot, 
 when we were flooded in Texas, when my face was covered with chicken pox dots,
when Dad was at camp and we painted the garage blue,
when I was wicked teenager with loads of attitude...

 We've had lots of adventures, and you've put up with quite a bit,
I know several times I was on your bad list,
but thanks for not giving up on me, and being there each time I needed advice,
for always having a hug and and kiss ready when the day wasn't so nice,

for being so fun and ready to laugh,
for always watching Jane Austen movies and making me do math,
for being the best Mama a girl could wish for,
I love and appreciate you each day, more and more!