Happy Friday, my Friends! Here are my absolute favorite things from this week:
Lovely Lisette got an apprenticeship!!! Hope on over to her blog and tell her Congrats :)
Would you like some Tardis shoes of your very own?! You can buy them here. And yes, those are my feet. I am a foot model now. Ignore the cankles.
Oh yes! And Tardis earrings are available toooooo....
A recipe for mini cinnamon rolls. I cannot get enough of these.
This just might be the most amazing jacket EVER.
I have a ton of ric rac, so the list of tutorials for this trim over at Ucreate is a fabulous resource to me!
If you have leftover fabric and want to do something nice with the scraps, how about making some pillowcases for children in Rwanda?
These printable spools would be great for organizing my huge amounts of trim that are floating around.
After reading Sarai's Adventures in Bra Making, I desperately want to try my hand at making one of my own.
I scare VERY easily (I hate surprises, and if someone ever walks up behind me while I'm doing laundry, they best be prepared for a freak out), and this week I happened to have a nightmare about the Woman in Black. From just seeing the preview. Yep... but here's a fabulous article from Clothes on Film regarding the costumes.
I laughed so hard I cried.
This homemade candy necklace is soooo pretty.
30 Challenges for 30 Days of Growth - something interesting if you're looking to add some more excitement to your life.
This needlepoint purse is AWESOMESAUCE.
This dress is spectacular and such a fabulous color.
I adore Sophie Blackall's illustrations, so this article about her on Miss Moss warmed my heart.
Since the Groundhog said we have six more weeks of winter, I may need to pull out my old sweaters and get to work on this lovely throw.
Friends, have an amazing weekend, and if you're stuck with six more weeks of winter like I am, stay warm!