Paris @ La Grand Epicerie

Follow your dreams! Mine, to be a successful cookie maven is keeping me happy and busy. A letter to Dean & Deluca about my first Bunches & Bunches product, Cloud Cookies, and a year later so much has transpired.

At the end of 2011, I sent the Cloud Cookies overseas for the first time. A friend visiting Paris posted this photo of them at at Le Bon Marche La Grand Epicerie. We were so delighted to see them via her blog! Bunches of love Pam, hope you continue to enjoy your adventures as well.

I am the luckiest person in the world because I am preparing to fulfill a lifelong dream....that being the opportunity to live abroad for a significant period of time. I plan to spend time with friends, study French, take a few cooking classes and explore.

From Pam's blog, Meet Me in the Marais