Sew Weekly and 30DoC: Pin-Up or Use a Photograph for Inspiration

Ok, so it is crazy fabulous that these two challenges fell during the same week.  Huzzah!

With the Pin-Up challenge, I knew that if these pictures were going on the blog, there needed to not be a whole lot of skin showing.  So...classy pin-ups.  I specifically started looking for redhead pin-ups.  Lucky for me, I follow the Pinterest boards of Max, who has curated the most amazing collection of redhead pictures and even has a board devoted to redhead pin-ups.  Seriously took all the searching dirty work out of my hands. 

I found the perfect inspiration:

Isla Fisher - Vanity Fair Vanities by Michael Elins, November 2006

So my goal was to have a very fuzzy sweater and some itty bitty bottoms... but tasteful itty bitty.  I don't want to make something I will never wear again.

So here is my first item for the Hand-Me-Down Hussy outfit: a black (cashmere? super soft acrylic?) v-neck sweater that was originally my sisters.  I stopped wearing it because I like my sweaters a little bit longer normally.

Next, we have this dress ... which I think was my sister's Confirmation/High School Graduation dress?  Not sure.  Either way, it was hers, but now it is mine.

I was going to donate this dress when Mama Grand was trying to pass it off to me, but she said, "Why don't you do something with the buttons?"

Brilliant, Mama G.  I will look twice before I donate anything again.


I sliced up the front of the sweater, bias trimmed the edges (hot pink for a little thrill), added some vintage lace from the stash and added buttonholes for the fabulous pearl buttons.  For the skirt, I shortened the pieces of the pattern I used for this skirt here (found the third pattern piece - yay!), cut the pattern out from the dress fabric, added a zipper and voila!

I love the way the outfit turned out!  The sweater is incredibly warm, so it's perfect for the impending deep freeze, and the skirt flows beautifully.  The only issue with the skirt is that it is more than a bit see-through.  While it probably won't be worn again until summer since it's so lightweight, I may continue tweaking it - possibly adding some lace to the bottom? 

A full shot of the outfit here.  I've added my sassy face for good measure.

I like this picture because I look evil.  This makes me giggle.

Many thanks to the Rob for finding a clear space to take these pictures.  The room you see to the right is the office/sewing area.  He was propping the camera on a ladder and standing in the middle of a sea of dropcloths.

While the outfit didn't make me feel incredibly pin-up-y, the red lipstick did.  I will never underestimate red lipstick again.

Friends, what are your thoughts on said lipstick?  Does it make you feel daring and a little bit reckless, too?

Have a fantastic day, all!