It's Like Sarah Is In My Brain...But Not In A Creepy, Zombie Way

That Sarah over at Rhinestones and Telephones...she is one persuasive cookie.

I wasn't too sure if I should try my hand at the Sorbetto pattern, and then she was like, SHABAM

I just learned how to knit, and of course, would like to run before I learn how to walk, and I am certain she picked up on this.  That's why she is co-hosting a Newbie Knit Along for a most gorgeous sweater.  I was still resisting her crafty powers ... right up until I bought my yarn and needles last night.  (But the yarn is so PRETTY.  I feel like I am hugging an Alpaca.)

The final straw though, was when Sarah, with assistance from the Chicago weather, convinced me that I needed to do the Fall Essentials Sew Along

 See?  It's like she is poking around in my brain. 

Now, I can't be as awesome as Sarah and have a palette that is so lush and gorgeous, but I can live with that.  I am trying to bust through the last remaining pieces of my stash that I kept out of storage.  I have one more month to use up the majority and this Sew-Along will definitely give me motivation to sew like a fiend!  The Chicago weather suddenly dropping twenty degrees is a good motivator as well... since most of my warm clothes ARE STILL IN STORAGE (22 days til I am reunited with my things...but who is counting???).  I need pants and tops and layers asap

So, while I am ruffling through my fabric and patterns and making a Grand Game Plan, why not pop over to Rhinestones and Telephones and tell the lovely Sarah Happy Birthday???  And send her a cookie... or an embarrassing story of yourself to make her smile. 
Happy Wednesday, All!!