photo by Angie Karst
"There is more to life than increasing its speed" - Gandhi -
Yes, it is true. We haven't added a post here all summer. A friend emailed us and said "Haven't seen much of you on your blog, but I kind of assumed you were passed out on your kitchen floor in some kind of bread/carb coma." (see previous post.) We love Sue's sense of humour! Well, the carb coma passed as it's been much too hot to bake bread. It's not that we were too busy or didn't have the time to blog. It was more that we were consciously trying to be "unbusy" and have some "retreat from the world" time...a time to find some balance. We are discovering that to be truly present and engaged with others, we need to find equal time to disengage, retreat, and find the inner quiet in ourselves. It seems that in that quiet lies a rich world of creative ideas, inspiration, dreams, and reflections.
Already we are sensing a shift in the world to "pre-Labor Day" stress. Maybe it comes from being teachers for so many years, but by mid August, summer rhythms start to change to more structured, and faster-paced ones. So, we are grateful that we took a little time to slow down this summer-because it sped by anyway!