Maki's First Ever Exam

All parents feel delighted if you see your kids doing well in school. One of the proofs that will mark that your child is doing well in the school is the exam.

The even took place in Maki's school. It was his first ever exam, first time to experience a test like that and take note he didn't have any review!!! The result, well, he got a few mistakes on one of his exams and the rest were all perfect. Since it was Maki first time and we as well, we weren't able to review him because we didn't knew that they were going to have an exam. Maki was sick before the day of the exam that's why we weren't informed the teacher that they're going to have an exam on the following day. Maki was brought to his pedia because he was sick then and was diagnose with a flu. So he was treated and was instructed to take a rest in just one day. Then on the day of the exam, which we didn't that it was their exam, he wanted to go to school even his still sick. He was so eager that we just allowed him to go to school and he even take the exam. He really love to go school and we really glad about that.

I am so proud of my son even his only a nursery, he loves to go to school, he has a big interest on it. Every night we always have a study session before we sleep. I noticed that after that study he continuously study on his own, he just sat down on the floor and reads some of his book, and guess what…he even went on answering some of the exercises in the book in advance. We just always tell him that he is going to answer his book in school. He loves to read, he loves to color and he even knows all the colors.

Yah! I’m a proud mama!

More experiences…more surprises…more learning with my eldest Son…’till next post…