One Thing Leads to Another

Sometimes, the best part of creating a piece is the process. It is watching an idea unfold, or making different materials come together in an unexpected and surprising way. It is this process that makes the hours fly and takes you away from the mundane or stressful parts of everyday life.

One thing I love about spending time in the studio is how the mind meanders as I look at projects I am working on, materials I have lying around, and how "accidents" sometimes produce new and unexpected results. The other day when I was experimenting with white bronze, I was making some earrings...

... and in the process of making earrings like this, I accidently broke one in half while it was in the clay stage. So I started to think of ways I could use this broken earring and found some clay circle components in my work space that I put on top. Kind of looked like a person, or a representation of a person. Well, one thing lead to another and I came up with this...

"End of the Day" pendant made with white bronze and copper

One of my favourite cottage memories is meandering down to the beach to watch the sunset. Somehow, when I look at this piece, I think of Mom and Dad and how they often would take the time to walk to the beach to enjoy the last few rays of sunlight as it disappeared beneath the horizon line. Such a perfect way to end the day. Sometimes, I imagine that their spirits are still the sound of the waves and the wind in the trees reminding us to enjoy the world around us and to savour special moments.