Unrequited Love, Jake Ryan, and 500 Days of Summer...

My unrequited love is for Jake Ryan.  Ever since the first time I saw Sixteen Candles, and this scene:

I swooned...and I am pretty sure I am not the only woman who still falls for sweater vests and red cars.  I was in college when I stumbled across a wonderful t shirt that had a picture of the man himself and I snatched it up right away.  Unfortunately, after an encounter with the dryer, the shirt was no longer wearable, but I refused to get rid of it...

So I made this.

A lovely little zippered pouch with a pink lining...

It makes carrying coins and chap stick so much easier!

For the Sew Weekly Challenge, I made the lovely shirt that Ms. Zooey Deschanel is wearing in 500 Days of Summer...

While I did not have any lace to add to the front, I am still very pleased with how it turned out!

A close up - hello there!

And my very best Zooey Deschanel pose...

While I did the shirt Zooey is wearing for the challenge, Sarah Gabbart did the skirt!  Check out her lovely work here.

Also, if you want to be completely blown away by an amazing vintage outfit, you will want to see the fabulous work Geri did!