Upcoming Shows

Here in STUDiO 28 land, we're busily working away, just like the elves, preparing for two upcoming shows-our own STUDiO 28 Show and Sale December 3rd to 5th...

...and one this coming weekend at a school bazaar in Campbellville.

We hope you can pop by the school bazaar in Campbellville or join us at our show and open house here in Waterloo to take a look at what we've been creating. Please call or email us for directions to our studio.

In the meantime, the nails on our thumbs are worn down due to sanding and polishing, but really, it's a small price to pay for being able to retreat into the studio, create, and put some beauty out into the world.

Now, the STUDiO 28 elves must get back to the workshop...speaking of elves, we LOVE the "elf yourself" site...it just makes us laugh-and what is better than a bit of laughter when you're a wee bit stressed out preparing for shows, getting everything into place...

Go ahead, "elf yourself"...it'll make you smile-maybe even encourage you to do a little jig yourself!