
Thank you so much for commenting on our posts. I hope that you continue to come back or even better, you can subscribe! Check the right side bar! Thanks to those of you who have already made the projects and have shown them on the Flickr account. I love them and I hope to comment on them soon.

I have the winners of my giveaways and the winner of the grand prize will be available in a couple of days. I decided to pick one winner per book/prize. I had so many comments that I wanted a lot of winners. Well, you're all winners, of course. It was fun. Please e-mail me your details.  Here are the official judges [my little one was so particular so there was no fooling around!]:

All entries were considered, including the entries sent via e-mail:

Country Threads Goes To Charm School - It has been a pleasure following the hop.
By Strlady on Fall-O-Ween Day 9: Haunts on 10/5/10

Bloom Creek Quilts - What fun and clever ideas you have. Thanks for sharing
By Pat on Fall-O-Ween Day 9: Haunts on 10/5/10

House PartyCute patterns. Thanks for sharing! Having trouble posting. I hope this works by using anonymous. Karen Stennes
By Anonymous on Fall-O-Ween Day 9: Haunts on 10/5/10

Sew Magical for Kids - love the googly eyes on the pattern! great 3D! Those blocks are awesome. Going to have acquire some for my young nephew. He's more into dinosaurs than haunted houses (but he's only 4, so we'll give him a few more years!)

Ready, Set, Go! Baby Necessities To Sew - Very cute and whimsical.
By Sharon Dimberg on Fall-O-Ween Day 9: Haunts on 10/5/10

Building Blocks for Classic QuiltsThat would make a cute banner to hang on the outside of my house to welcome trick or treaters. It's appropriately spooky without being too scary. Thanks, Linda! Leslie S. in MN esclante at comcast dot net

Fresh Cuts - This one will make a great gift for my 8 year old neice who loves to decorated. I love the hugs and kisses quilt and fabric. Thanks for taking part in the blog and for the great pattern. I will be posting a photo in a day or so.
By Gale Lavers on Fall-O-Ween Day 9: Haunts on 10/5/10

Naef Toys promo - Thanks for all your comments, ideas, and pictures you have shared this week. I have 2 small boys at home and so I have enjoyed reading about your boys. Thank you for the project "Trick or Treat" the bright colors.
By Jessica Rassler on Fall-O-Ween Day 9: Haunts on 10/5/10

Sequana, please e-mail me your details. You won Mark Lipinski's magazine the other day.

Come back on Monday. Hopefully we'll have the name of winner of the grand prize!

Again, thank you from the bottom of my heart. It was hard work but truly worth it. I appreciate your support for all that I do.

xo, L