Oh Baby Mac ...

I love you! I've been having fun playing with the photo booth and the kids think that it's a hoot to distort my head.

I've been working on my web site and hope to have it up sometime soon. So many things have been going on and the big chore for this month is cleaning up for a photo shoot for a magazine here at chez moi. Lots of stuff to get out of the way! How do you keep those Lego pieces together? Oh, those bolts of fabric need to be put away. And, yes, I need that bathroom painted, like, yesterday! It's only had 3 test strips on it for about, oh, a year give or take. I've discovered another love - decorating. I haven't done much of it because certain little people just love to draw all over my walls and furniture so I decided not to fight it. When we put up wallpaper a while ago, Little A decided to start drawing on it just as the paper was freshly pasted. A long time ago, he also managed to get his head stuck in my dining room chair. Had to toss it by the time we got his head out. Keep chanting: "Someday I will have nice furniture and decor." So that's what they tell me. In the meantime, how could I get mad at such a sweet face, green and all?