An Award - Hooray!

Friends, the lovely Tina over at Down the Retro Rabbit Hole is the queen of kindness and goodness.  She said I was a Versatile Blogger, and gave me an award to prove it!  Isn't she the sweetest? Check out her fabulous version of Carey Mulligan's "An Education" Dress - Love!

The Versatile Blogger Award comes with a few rules:
  1. Add the badge to the winning blog page.
  2. Thank the blogger who gave it. 
  3. List the rules.
  4. List seven (7) random facts about yourself. 
Onto the facts...

1.  I REFUSE to use an electronic planner.  REFUSE.  I will never give up my paper planner, which is really a journal that I add lines and dates into, as well as quotes, pictures, and funny facts.  I always carry it with me, because you never know when someone is going to ask, "What are you doing on blabbity blah?"  I like planning.  I write out daily "To-Sew" lists.  Tonight, I am working on a tutorial for turning shorts into a skirt. 

This is the planner I am currently using: Jill Bliss Succulents Journal

2.  I just signed up for Birchbox, and I AM SO EXCITED.  I don't spend a lot on cosmetics because I'm afraid of buying the wrong shade/style/type, so this is a way for me to try new things without breaking the bank.  Next month is my first month, so I'll let you know what goodies come my way :)  (No one is paying me to advertise, I just really like sample sized beauty supplies.)

3.  I like my marshmallows crispy, but not completely burnt.  Half burnt is okay.

4.  I met my boyfriend at a Performing Party (everyone needed to perform a skit/monologue/hidden talent).  I wooed him with my party trick of balancing a bottle on my forehead and clapping like a seal.  Yes, there is a video, but I cannot figure out how to post it... oh, Blogger, you big silly you. 

 5.  I currently have 11 cavities in my mouth. HOLY CANNOLI.  I was terrified I would have to give up my addiction to honey when the Dentist told me that these were from having braces... 10 years ago.  Apparently, my orthodontist didn't coat my teeth after they took the brackets off?  So ... yes.  Possible root canals, but definitely A LOT of fillings coming my way.  Sorry.  Needed to share that as the idea of having 11 cavities blows my mind.

6.  I LOVE the Randolph Street Market.  That is where you will find me on Sunday.  Will any other Chicagoans be there??

7.  Finally, I am fiercely passionate about women's reproductive rights.  I don't talk about politics, religion, or my own personal views here on the blog because we are surrounded by it every other single moment of the day.  When I read about sewing, it calms me down from all the craziness in the world that I cannot control but must stand by and watch.  Sewing is my stress relief AND creative outlet.  Behind the scenes, though, I am plotting how to make a difference through my craft, and I am lucky enough to have a huge support group around me that is eager to assist. 

Thanks for reading, my darling friends!  Please let me know in the comments if you are planning to attend the Street Market this weekend, or if you have any local fairs and markets you would recommend to someone who loves traveling :)