Friends, there is so much happening in this post, it is crazy! I've got some Me Made June photos (I am having the best time taking these pictures), my Ascot dress for the Sew Weekly challenge, AND my take on the Sew Weekly challenge for next week!
First off, here is Me Made June Day 17.
I entitle this photo "Hungry Eyes." Our fridge is nearly empty as we prepare for the impending move, and so my dinner looked like it was coming out of a bottle.
...but then I did a happy dance because our friends talked us into trying a new restaurant. I am wearing my unrequited love top and my Catholic school girl skirt. My coworkers love this skirt. I dig it as well.
This is us trying to drive to the restaurant. How do I know it's getting warmer in Chicago? Cubs Baseball traffic.
I returned home victorious with chicken, mushroom and Gruyere flatbread. It is amazing. I wore my embellished cardigan (again), my short sleeved sweater, and my jean skirt.
Today, Me Made June: Day 18 had me wearing my new Ascot Black and White dress! I wore it out to the Chicago Highland Games and you can see me here posing with my friend, Charles. It is his first outing in a kilt. He loved it and bought his own! Yay, Charles!
I made the dress out of old bed sheets I kept from college. Twin XL sheets are kind of pointless once you leave the dorms, except when they are made of epic graffiti fabric and say things like "Rock," "Angel," "Girls Rule," and "Hottie."
I actually returned to the BurdaSyle pattern that I used for the "Kiss the Cook" challenge. I wanted to see what the dress was like made in something other than satin. I am definitely loving the final result!
This dress will clean up nicely after the mess of haggis I got on my dress. Yes, I eat haggis, but Americanized haggis. The FDA won't let anyone sell proper haggis in the USA. I am going to try the real stuff someday. I swear, it tastes bit like Cincy style chili but with a few extra spices and a different texture. I'm drinking a cream soda like drink that is apparently popular in Scotland.
Isn't the Rob dashing in his kilt? He owns nine, but I bought him this one. It is his Welsh family tartan.
It was a lovely hot day, but the grounds were a disaster. I have very muddy feet. Charles thought that was most excellent.
A lovely Scots man talked me into buying heather honey. He only let me buy it after teaching me how to properly pronounce Edinburgh. I was bragging on Debi Fry and he told me I was doing it all wrong. For a second I was all like, "Hey - I think I know how to properly brag on Debi Fry," but he was talking about my mispronunciation (note to self - not pronounced like the end of Pittsburgh).
Ok, so I did eat a lot while we there. I love fair food, but I am loving this cold mango orange drink that a man sold me. He asked if I wanted an orange cup or lime green, and I told him right quick that "Orange is my signature color." He laughed and thought I was strange. I got an awesome umbrella in my drink though, which must have meant I was stellar. The kid in front of me didn't get one, so I'm special, right? Right.
On our way out, we decided to do some full body poses. I just love that Robert.
The back of the dress. This parasol was my best friend all day. The sun hates me, I swear.
This is definitely one of my favorite dresses ever. I thought it was a little short at first, but then it grew on me.
Eventually I hit the wall.
I wander off in the distance to find a place to nap before Rob wrangles me in and loads me in the car.
Finally, a picture of my dashing escorts for the day. We had such a great time.
Next week's Sew Weekly challenge involves remaking and refashioning. Well, we know how much I love that! And since I have so many refashioning projects on the table, I'm going to be doing one each day this coming week! Sunday through Saturday, I will be refashioning my little heart out. I'm really looking forward to it, since it will include my first tutorial - eep!
I hope you are all having a fabulous weekend where you are, Friends!