We were SO excited when we met our friend, Barb, at Northeast Harbor in Maine so we could catch the 2:30 mailboat that would take us to her home on Little Cranberry Island where she lives with her husband, Bruce. It didn't take long for the magic of the island to envelop us.
After we got settled in, Barb took us on a walking tour of the island. The first order of business was to look for stones along the beach.

Then we went to see where the island library is, where many community events are held, and where Bruce plays badminton...all in the Little Cranberry Island Neighborhood House...

...past a beautiful field of lupines...

...over to the post office and general store...

...and then to the dock to see the pottery, several galleries and a shop called Winters Work which features many local artisans including Barb who sells her jewelry there.

At the end of our walk, we went back to the house where we were treated to a delicious meal of fresh lobster caught by Bruce, himself! What a perfect ending to a great day! We are so grateful for the opportunity to get to know Barb and Bruce better and to share, first hand , the experience of island life with them. We've been having so much fun together there has hardly been a moment to blog! More adventures to come...!