Me Made June: Day 21 and Day 3 of Refashioning Week!

The challenge for today found me with this lovely item in my hands:

A cankle length khaki skirt.  It has an A line shape, which is difficult to tell since the weight of the fabric diminishes it.
This is what happens when you cut 11 inches off the bottom and add a new hem:

Oh, hai! Didn't see you there!  Welcome to my kitchen!

Would you like some dinner?  Fresh out of the freezer!

 Into the oven it goes, wait twelve minutes, and voila!  Instant satisfaction!

I am seriously loving the shape of the skirt now. It is a perfect A line and stands away from my body all on its own!  I could not believe that I did not use this skirt earlier - it's probably been in my possession for a year now.  Silly Meg! I am also wearing my camp shirt first seen here.

Here is the hint for tomorrow:

Oooo...oven just dinged!  Off to get some meaty goodness - have a fabulous night, all!

PS I've been trying to comment on people's blogs all day but Blogger keeps logging me out.  Is anyone else having this issue?  I'll try to comment on your lovely posts tomorrow and hopefully it will be fixed!