Day 11: Decorating With Quilts

We are almost at the end of our blog hop. It's been so much fun. I hope that you've enjoyed visiting me and the other awesome designers. Remember, you can still enter the grand prize drawing. All you have to do is go to each designer's special day and comment on that day. There are lots of goodies waiting for some lucky winners! Also, come back tomorrow. It's my special day here on the blog hop. Squee! I can't wait!

Today's topic is a tough. I haven't put up a lot of quilts until the past year or so. My little guys just loved to draw on my walls. One fine day, the little one and I were hanging out in his play area and I ran out of the room for a split second. When I returned, he had taken a bright, emerald green marker and drawn McQueen, the car from the movie Cars and a racetrack on my wall. It wasn't a drawing of a little car. It was about a foot wide and 2 ft. high. This is the same child who colored my car dashboard, including the radio screen, with a Sharpie marker. [Don't ask how. Just feel comfortable in knowing that my experience is your gain because I discovered that Magic Eraser works to take it off.]

Don't get me wrong. I let them play with the quilts. Only, I supervise them! I let them lay out the quilts on the floor and have parties with their stuffies. They love looking at the quilts and I do love that. I just can't leave them alone with the quilts!

I was chatting about this with the owner of Henry Glass one day. He laughed and told me that I couldn't be mad at the little one because he was just taking after me. Very funny but true.

I was in Kindred Quilts yesterday and I was talking to a few people about holiday decorating. One lady said that her sister-in-law went all out. Right after Thanksgiving, her SIL would bring out everything holiday right down to the bed linens. Oh, how I wish that I had that energy.

How do you decorate? Any tips that you want to share? Let's share with everyone here!

Next up is Roseann Meehan Kermes.  Roseann is a friend of mine. We met at the Better Homes and Gardens' Designer Retreat. She's a hoot and we have fun together when we see each other at Market. In between, I harass her with crazy phone calls and we have a good time. Today is her special day today. Go and check out her crumb catcher pattern. So adorable. Tomorrow it is my day. Come back for a little fun, won't you?  xo, L