Day 10: Favorite Gift From Child

Whoo! Hoo! We've hit double digits! Day 10 of our Designer Blog Hop! Are you still there? Thanks for hanging around here! Have you had fun reading the posts and checking out everyone's designs? I'm a little crazy right now because I can't decide between a few ideas. Yikes! Show them all right?

Remember, to be eligible for the grand prizes you must comment on the featured designer's blog on her special day. Good luck!

Today we are talking about our favorite gift from a child. I know that I talk a lot about how I love handmade and how I love the things that my kids make. I really, really mean it! We don't make the kids buy us anything for the holidays though they have been known to drag my husband out to buy me craft supplies. Instead, they love to make or draw us gifts and that is, as my little guy says, awesome! Here's a little secret. I don't always like looking at my designs after they come back from the publisher or the editor. There's nothing wrong with the designs, I just don't want to look at them right away. I'd rather be surrounded by the things that my kids make.

One of my favorites? My oldest wrote this letter/haiku [above] to me two years ago and drew snowmen all around the background. I have it hanging above my sewing machine. I love it. Sometimes I even leave things around all year round. This ornament hangs onto the hinge of the door to my garage and the photo frame magnetically sticks to the same door. Look at that cute necklace! Christmas lights!

They painted these for me too one holiday. The oldest painted the top one and the little guy painted the bottom one.

Then there's the ornaments. We have them make one each year. Right now we are glitterizing [is that a word?] everything around us. Remember those clams? Well, we've even covered the shells with glitter. What do you think? What's your favorite gift from a child?

Hop over to Carrie's blog today. She's the featured designer today and she's sure to have an awesome design up for you! Remember to check out all of the other ladies too! The links are on the sidebar. xo, L