Me Made May, or shall we say...


'I, Meg the Grand of, sign up as a participant of Me-Made-May '12. I endeavour to wear completely Me Made Awesomeness each day for the duration of May 2012' (excluding running clothes, socks, and skivvies...for the time being). HOORAY!
Yep, I am participating, and I am so flipping excited.  When I participated in Me Made June last year, I had a limited amount of clothing that had been altered/made/refashioned.  I think I can safely say that my wardrobe has exploded since then.  I've been successful so far this year with wearing one Me Made garment a day, but I am looking to push myself a little farther and do a whole outfit, all the time, for a whole month.  This challenge is perfect for me, especially with summer right around the bend.  

I am going to let myself wear refashioned/upcycled/altered clothing as part of the challenge, though I am going to limit those articles as much as possible.  I am also not going to attempt to survive the month without my running clothes (I need moisture wicking, y'all), same goes for my skivvies and socks.  Other than that, my outfits are going to be epic exhibitions of my passion for sewing.

I am excited.  Like whoa.

Interested in joining?  Check out Zoe's oh-so-fabulous post here.