Johnsons' Play Days

It was Easter Sunday!  We woke up early, as in early, because we attended a mass in our church to celebrate Easter Sunday. After the service, the kids hurriedly looked and found some easter eggs,
unfortunately, Maki didn't want to join with the other kids, there was a little tantrum on his part, because it was not his usual to wake up early.

We went home to take some rest, because we need to have a strength for our next event.


As we reached the place, Maki still on the sort of “little tantrums”. We ate first, then Maki didn't want to eat a lot. Oops, Gelo, my youngest son was with us also plus my mother.

The sort of “little tantrums” of my eldest son, Maki, changed just like a lightning, why? Well, his mood changed from “little tantrums” to being just a kid. He was amazed when he found out whose at the back of our table, eating also, none other than....e-boy...bugoy...the kid featured in the teleserye e-boy. He is always watching that every night, so he was happy to see bugoy, then in a just a little time, cha cha arrived, the little girl featured in going bulilit. The excitement was on maki's face.

From that moment, Maki started to play, jump while we did some walk to reached the play bus, instead of walking Maki did jumped. When he saw the play bus, Maki's eye stared at it and he did not mind mr. sun's extreme heat. After a few long stare at the bus, he just asked me, mommy I want to ride on that play bus, I told him, the next time we see the play bus we will try it.

Then we went back on the main venue ground and continued with the program proper.   Lot of kids played all day, I just wondered, what will happen if Maki plays the whole day.  I am thankful that I have Johnsons with me to give a freshness feeling to lighten or ease the amoy araw and the bungang araw, so Maki can play buong araw.

Aside Maki, Gelo my youngest son, also look at the kids playing under the heat of the sun, thankful that I put Johnsons' sunblock with spf 15 that could protect him.

We ended our Easter Sunday with a smile on our face.  From now on, Maki can play the whole day, while Gelo can go out even on a sunny day because they are both protected with the Johnsons' products.

'Till next post on our bonding moment...