Shamrock Green Veggie Juice

Here is a bright and healthy green drink with which to celebrate St.Patrick's Day! 
I would dare to say that this juice is a far better drink than those usually associated with this traditionally green day. While those who choose to drink the "other barley juice" are finding it difficult to start their day... You will wake up happy, and full of energy! This home made juice is smooth and delicious, and oh so good for you! Give yourself this very green healthy gift on St. Paddy's Day, and your Irish eyes will be smiling! Along with everyone who will notice the sun shining warmly upon your face!

1/2 stalk of Romain lettuce or 6 - 8 leaves
5 stalks of celery 
1 English cucumber
handful of dandelion greens
1/2 lemon
2 small apples
1 inch ginger
1 tsp maca powder
1 tsp barley grass powder

Clean your veggies. Hopefully everything is organic! If you have purchased non-organic apples and cucumbers, you must peel them. Place each vegetable and fruit into your juicer and create this great tasting juice! Add to your finished product 1 tsp maca powder dissolved in a small bit of spring water, and 1 tsp Barley grass powder. Stir...then share this batch of green goodness with a friend and...Drink up!