Limited Time Free Viewing Of Movie

A quick note about a new film! "Hungry For Change - Your Health is in your hands" 
This film about making better food choices, is available online for free this week only. View it now while you can, because every little bit of information helps us on our journey. This film discusses food and health basics with the experts, along with those people who actually made huge personal changes by going to plant based eating. There are also short cameos from the stars of other documentaries, and in doing so, this film has made me aware of two other documentaries out there that I have yet to see...

"May I Be Frank" - A couple of young raw foodie guys from "Cafe Gratitude" get an over weight, down and out Frank Ferrante, to try a new way of being. This is his journey to wellness and emotional healing. Quite a transformation! I have got to get a hold of a copy of this film! Trailer's here, and a Jason Mraz musical trailer version here.

"Crazy Sexy Cancer" - Kris Carr a vibrant young woman, was suddenly diagnosed with a rare and incurable stage 4 cancer on Valentines Day. Kris reverses her diagnosis with a whole life approach, including a plant- based diet. There are now books, a diet, and a blog website of guest writers, that are part of her sexy cancer revolution. The long trailer of "Crazy Sexy Cancer" is here.  

This documentary about Kris is exactly what I should be viewing now. Last year I had pre-cancerous cells removed from my uterus, and now I am dealing with the current diagnosis of 3 pre-cancerous areas in my breast. It is a good thing I have been getting so healthy in the past 9 months! In another documentary film called "Homo Toxicus" ( trailer here) that I saw last night on Netflix, I learned that cancer takes about 25 years to appear. It apparently mutates a little bit during each new cell generation, till it eventually becomes the cancer that finally shows up. Was it something I did years ago, or was it the estrogen therapy I just did for a year? Since as the doctor says, "we will never know," this is a good time to join the Crazy Revolution! Fortunately, I do have some time on my side. I have a feeling, that I just may be adding some of her You Tube videos to my pages at the top of this blog.

The "Hungry For Change" film also had a few moments with Joe Cross of "Fat Sick and Nearly Dead." Which if you have not seen his documentary yet, I say get to it! FS&ND is one of my must see inspirational documentaries! You will find it listed on my 'Inspiration Page' tab above. The FS&ND film can be streamed online at Netflix.

We just bought a Roku box for our old living room TV. Disturbed 4 years ago by the level of propaganda and ridiculous programming, we turned off our Television. Never missed it at all. We only used the big device for DVD playing. Now having the Roku allows us to get certain online and web channels like Netflix onto our television. We can sit in the comfort of the living room while having a wider variety of choices. Of course the other alternative is to get one of those new fangled WiFi- ready TV's. This will happen in the near future. Then we will move the old TV with Roku, into the bedroom, where I can satisfy my obsession with documentary films, while enjoying  breakfast in bed on lazy Sunday mornings!

Any-hooo hopefully you will be moved to check out some of these documentary films, and the other docs' I have listed on my Inspiration page!