Joy Rising...continued...

We have arrived in beautiful Paris, France. I'm not sure if my brain has completely processed this times it still feels like I'm walking around in a dream! The area we are staying in, the Marais, is an absolutely amazing location. I don't think we could have picked a better place to call home for the next month...there are fresh fruit vendors on our street, some small groceries, an authentic Greek "traiteur"(with delicious hummus), one of THE best boulangeries in Paris and a plethora of restaurants and brasseries.
The Centre Georges Pompidou is a 2 minute hop skip and jump away,

(Centre Pompidou at night from the apartment)

the Place des Vosges which we visited yesterday(it was home to Victor Hugo)is a 15 minute walk, as is the Musee du Louvre, which we visited today as it was the first Sunday of the month and hence, free admission day! Since it was a drizzly day, we packed our umbrellas and wore our raincoats...perfect plan since it was cool and damp. As we arrived on site we had our first view of another famous Paris landmark...the Eiffel Tower, la tour Eiffel!

I had visited the Louvre for an hour in Grade 11 on our choir tour(broke a heel on my shoes coming down the marble staircase)and saw the Mona Lisa then. I brought my mom and dad here when I lived in France(it's 20 years ago this year), but we only had time to walk through the Jardin des Tuileries and see the Louvre from the outside, so being able to go inside today after such a long time, was exciting. It was packed though, so perhaps we'll visit again on a calmer day.
There was a lovely cafe there which we will visit again on a less busy day. Marly REALLY liked it...I wonder why?

It was wonderful to walk around the grounds also and admire this impressive building...

I was in awe of its majestic beauty...if only the walls could talk and tell me the tales of what has gone on here. Much of Paris feels this way to me....there is such a sense of history as you walk is the case with Europe in general. I just LOVE it!!!
Walking about the outside of the Louvre, we walked behind a woman with very striking blue hair which I loved also.(This tidbit will mean more as you read on!)
We then veered off to take some more photos and grab a warm coffee at a little stand on the Louvre grounds named...Paul! That's Marly's brother's name!

What was on the menu? We chose a delicious "tartelette" with rhubarb custard! We smiled as we ate it and thought of Marly's mom, Mary, as she loved rhubarb custard pie. I think she was enjoying the day with us!
Later, walking up rue du Rivoli, there was a line of photographers with their cameras aimed toward us. Really? Was this our moment of fame? There were no flashes or photos taken, so we passed them and stood to the side to see what/who they were waiting for. The blue-haired woman with large dark sunglasses(whom we had walked behind earlier)and an entourage walked out....

It was Katy Perry! As we watched her and her 'peeps' get into the black unmarked vehicles

and the paparazzi get onto their motor scooters and wait,

I felt so fortunate for us and a bit sad for her. We were able to walk about and enjoy the day and just be, while there she was with cameras flashing, bodyguards about, people staring...stardom/fame has a HUGE price.
This was a sticker on one of the paparazzi's scooters....

What a sad statement. We left the excitement of the Louvre to go and check out another "famous" place...L'As du Falafel

in the Jewish quarter(which in fact, our apartment borders). As much of Paris is closed on Sundays, the Jewish quarter is a wonderful place to's alive and bustling!
Apparently this falafel place is Lenny Kravitz's falafel of choice, so, since it was rainy and damp, why not warm up with some delicious falafel. The line wasn't too long, the service was fast, and for 5 € each, we had the most amazing falafel yet(and I've tried A LOT of falafel sandwiches in my life)! It was stuffed to the brim with pickled cabbage, hummus, tahini and falafel...we stood under an awning in the rain and "dug in" to eat off a section before walking home.

Marly under an awning where we munched away on our sandwiches...the falafel shop in the background)

Paradise in a pita...I predict many a return visit in the next month!
We walked home and as we walked, found a shop very dear to my heart...Pylones! I dedicate this photo to our dear "amie", Ruth!

We made it home with a light drizzle of rain, unpacked and sat down to finish the amazing falafel sandwich experience when all of a sudden....downpour of rain. Hourray! Safe and dry inside with a delicious supper!

Joy rising...indeed! I wore my pendant today on our adventures.
Trees are symbols of strength, and I felt this in the last few days as we gathered strength to deal with flights, finding our way through streets and subways with luggage(perhaps someday I'll share my story of getting caught in a subway turnstile...or maybe not), switching languages, and adjusting to new situations.

Since the dragonfly is considered by some to be a reminder of living each day to its fullest, I think we were channeling that joy and appreciation as we meandered about today.

That's my wish for you reading this...find the special moments in each day, wherever you are, treasure them, and feel the joy rising.