Happy Friday!

Hello my lovely friends!!  This week's post is compiled of goodies from before and after vacation...

I love this picture with all of my heart.

Celebrity Yearbook Photos

Becky's UBER AMAZING chocolate cake recipe needs to be made in my kitchen.

Sally has compiled a compliment cheat sheet.  It's pretty fantastic.

The Randolph Street Market is one of my favorite events in Chicago - I really love browsing the goodies outside during the summer months!

For my next half marathon, I'm going to find something like this to drink afterwards and put my face in it.

Adorable x 1,000

Aliens in vintage postcards

Beangirl made the most fabulous dart rotation chart.  It is stupendous, y'all!

And then she made another one for dart manipulation, so now she is SUPER stupendous!

I love Charlotte's wedding pictures :) It looks like it was such a great time!

I am intrigued by all of the oil cleansing posts I am seeing around the blogosphere lately...

I've only been working on something like this for a bajillion years - I love her version!

And finally ... Tilly's profile of Sarai from Colette Patterns was truly inspiring - I highly recommend checking it out!

Have a fantastic weekend, my friends!