Sorry for the lack of posting lately, Friends...but I have been working on my epic Elvis jumpsuit for tonight's race! It is a thing of wonder, in, "I wonder how I am going to get this crazy thing on???" I'm also wondering if I can wear the jumpsuit for the half marathon (13.1 miles of tears) on Sunday morning. It's the Rock N Roll half marathon and I think running as Elvis might be the right thing to do. This will depend on the weather because I am not wearing a wig in 90 degrees. I like living too much.
As some of you know, I've been training for the marathon in October (WHATWASITHINKING).... but what you may not know is that I just signed up for another race for February 2012:

....because I like shiny things...

...and running to my castle before the sun rises...
...AND MAKING A SWEET LOOKING COSTUME! Friends, it is only natural that I would want to dress as a princess who has red hair. This leaves me with only two choices, one of which has me wearing seashells for a bra (not exactly supportive enough during a 13.1 mile run, ya know??):
or Giselle, the epic almost princess who wears actual clothing.
I mean, how awesome would it be to make this dress?
Or this dress?
Of course, these would be made in shorter versions (knee length or shorter) and possibly longer in the back. I swear I could hide two water bottles and two Gu packs in each of those sleeves if I made the white dress. Hydration is key, ya'll.
It is occasions that call for running in costumes that remind me why I like running: for the races! I had never run before January 2010, but I had a marathon on my bucket list and I figured it would be easier to do if I started while I'm younger. So I learned how to run. And ten months later, I ran a marathon. I do not recommend this craziness to anyone, but I proved to myself that I could do anything I put my mind to. If you're interested in running, check out the Couch to 5K program - it got me started on this crazy insane path.
Back to the awesomeness that is sewing: which dress should I make? Or, should I just paint seashells on my sports bra? I realize finding patterns for the dresses is going to be a bit difficult, but Halloween is coming up so I might be able to locate something similar in style.
Friends, your help in this matter would be so greatly appreciated! Have a fantastic day and see you tomorrow with my Elvis photos :)