Hello Friends! I am writing from my sunny vacation spot, surrounded by the people I love (most of the time): my family. It only took 16 hours of driving to get here, but the Rob and I are here and ready to get our relaxin' on.
Day 3: Here's my outfit and my Chick Fil A sandwich. I know, right? I'm a classy gal.
For the shirt, I am wearing this little number, and I broke out my mustard pencil skirt.
Not the best thing to drive in, but it's what I wore to work and I was ready to get on the road. We had six hours of driving ahead of us before we reached Rob's sister's house.
His awesome sister and husband were kind enough to let us crash at their home on our journey to the east. They also gave us the best thing ever: Schmidt's cream puffs. Vanilla, chocolate, and peanut butter covered in chocolate. Why so amazing, you ask? They are bigger than Rob's fist and the filling is decadent. We packed them and brought them out here with us :)
We woke up in the morning and got to play with this little bolt of sunshine....
...and then we were back on the road!
West Virginia is very lush and beautiful...or wild...and wonderful, if you prefer (I love state mottoes. Seriously. Like Missouri. "The Show Me State." ???? I'll show you something, all right).

We rode through until we reached the Lost World Caverns

and now you finally get a picture of my Day 4 outfit! Yay!
I am wearing an old brown tank top that I embellished with some fabulous lace trim...and the jean skirt made here. I was definite more comfortable driving today!
Rob wanted to feel pretty, too...
Inside the caverns...(panoramic picture courtesy of the Rob)
And again, we're on the road. I'm under surveillance, ya'll!
Day 5! Yay! At the beach, chilling with the family at the beach house. We woke up to a thunderstorm....fabulous. I did not let it deter me from taking outside pictures...because balconies rock. Seriously.
I am wearing my Four Year Dress for the first time this summer...
...except it was 70 degrees and gross and wet. We had to run to the store for groceries so I threw on the cardigan that I made here.
We found an awesome seafood dive near the house and some "She Crab Soup" was in order. I love seafood. This soup was choc full of crab and it was like a crabby heaven (never thought you would see those two words together, did you? That just happened).
I changed cardigans. I change my mind a lot.
Rob got a side salad. There was an extremely creepy deer on the wall behind him wearing sunglasses and a sombrero. Rob wanted to take him home with us, but I am not moving anything I don't have to.
Crab cakes, ya'll. And hush puppies. And a huge thing of broccoli to offset all of the other fried food on the plate.
My "Mini Me" (my awesome niece) and I hanging out on the balcony...I have a lemonade beverage and she has a Popsicle. We are on vacation and chillaxin.