Me Made June: Days 11-15 ... and something completely heinous at the end.

What a crazy couple of days! After the relaxation that was Day 10, we had to make the long trek home...

but what would a trek home be without spending the night in a castle???

I liked the outdoor chess set a lot, but all of the pieces wouldn't fit in the car so I decided the castle could keep them.  For Day 11, and to protect against the bugs (because we were in the middle of the woods, off a dirt road, and I swear I heard banjos), I was wearing my epic sailor pants, my red and white halter, and my grey embellished cardigan.  I do not think I am exaggerating when I say I have worn that cardigan every single day.

We stayed in the "Spinster's Cottage" on the castle grounds. I especially loved the sign that said "Mistress Spindle: Spinster." 

Rob especially liked the wooden shoes by the fire.  Wooden shoes are almost as good as fleece slippers. I bet you didn't know that.

Ok, this next picture is rough because those are some WICKED circles under my eyes.  I'm drinking my coffee and plotting the downfall of cheerful people.  I freaked out in our bed because I found little weevils before we went to sleep, so of course I thought bugs were crawling on me all night.  My freaking out meant Rob didn't get to sleep much, but after we both had our coffee, we were much more loving.
For Day 12, I'm wearing a new top made with this Simplicity pattern. I used the remaining fabric from my jersey sheets.  It is tres comfy but I think I'll take it in on the sides to reduce the gaping neckline.

We got home.  I passed out on the couch.
  Have I mentioned how comfy these sailor pants are? Because they are the best, I swear.

I had to take a personal - hold-the-camera-at-arms-length picture for Day 13 because Rob had to go meet with a client.  I put on the most comfortable dress ever and fell asleep on the couch.  This dress is also made from sheets.  Perhaps things made from sheets make me sleepy?  

Day 14.  This is after my first day back at work.  Cleaning out my inbox took FOREVER.

I'm wearing my unrequited love shirt and a pair of grey pinstripe pants that received some major hem love from me.  Chicago is cold compared to Virginia.  I do not like it.

Day 15 and it is raining.  Chicago is slowly sucking away all the Vitamin D I absorbed in VA.  Seriously Chicago - did you not get the memo that it is June and needs to be above 55 degrees outside???
I made this shirt before Thanksgiving last year but have never taken a picture of it.  It is one of my favorite shirts ever.  The fabric was wretchedly stiff at first, but after a few washings, it is so incredibly soft. I'm also wearing my not choir girl skirt refashion seen here and my EPIC RAIN BOOTS.

 They are multicolored cowboy rain boots.  Best. Gift. Ever.

I've been slaving away on my dress for the Black and White challenge this week and I hate it with all of my heart.  Seriously.  It's awful.  Cyndi Lauper would wear it in the 80s in one of her videos if she filmed it on Halloween, but it is not me.  Not at all.  It ended up looking this way after I found a huge stain right in the middle of the center panel.  After shortening the skirt, I wanted to add back the lost length with tulle. Lesson learned here: tulle is awful.  Never use 15 yards when you can tell it is going to be terrible after the first 2 yards.
This may be the first thing I ever throw in the garbage.

I'm working on cutting something else out instead...I'm hoping to finish that this weekend and wear it to the Chicago Highland Games. 

How is Me Made June going for all of you? Are you repeating bottoms like me? And for those of you doing the Black and White challenge, how are your projects coming along??

Have a fabulous evening, all!